Saturday, September 19, 2009

so.....fat chick running....part 1

i've been thinking for awhile that i want to start running. sort of. i mean, i realize that even if i can handle running even one mile aerobically, i know my knees and hips and ankles and feet will hate me for it for a long time after. but i've decided that this is my goal - to become a runner. i want to be one of those lunatics who get up at the ass-crack of dawn and go run five miles in the rain. or at least run on my treadmill. (since i know that i'll never be dedicated enough to go out and attempt to run in a foot of snow....which is probably a good thing, since i enjoy not being run over by snow plows and all....)

so i went like two days ago and i bought a pair of running shoes....i decided my $12 wal-mart tennis shoes probably weren't going to cut it for this....and i'm going to start either tomorrow or monday with a walking/jogging routine i found online. it's supposed to be an "intro" program to running, and i figure it'll help me see what my joints can actually handle at this point. the program is supposed to work you up to running for thirty minutes straight in eight weeks, and i'm sure it'll take me longer to get to that point, but it's a start.

i would say "I'M STARTING TOMORROW!!!!!" but i know i haven't gotten a lot of sleep in the last couple days, and i know i'm pretty stiff/sore tonight, and i know i work tomorrow....what i don't know is whether or not i'll be able to successfully drag my ass outta bed in the morning with any kind of motivation to do something before work. and i get out late enough that i won't want to go out in the evening. but monday is a day off so i figure that'll be my back-up day.

WEEK ONE: Walk for 6 minutes, then jog at an easy pace for 1 minute. Repeat 3 times. Aim for three sessions with that same sequence for week one.

(that's what the program recommends. i think i'm going to aim for four or five "sessions" tho.)

wish me luck!