Thursday, November 11, 2010

i'm blue (aba di aba die...)

i dunno if it's s.a.d. kicking in (it was totally dark before 6:30 today, after all) or if i'm now over-medicating or what, but i just can't make myself want to do ANYTHING the last couple days.

on the plus side, i've got a walking group going and i intend to do week one of the C25K program next week. i also might join a gym sometime soon....if i can get together some cash for it. we shall see.

i'm planning to buy some yarn that's on sale tomorrow and then i'm not buying anything for myself til after Christmas! well, nothing other than food or, like, toothpaste or, you know, things i *need*. but not craft stuff or clothes or anything like that. good thing i'm not into Christmas crafts. :)


  1. I've noticed that I'm a little sluggish since putting the clocks back. Haven't wanted to exercise at all this week. Hope you figure out what it is that's keeping you blah.

    C25K looks interesting, let me know how it goes for ya :)

    What kinds of crafts do you like to do?

  2. inflicted,
    my favorite crafts are yarn crafts - knitting and crocheting - but i also like decoupage, fabric dying/printing, sewing, drawing when the mood strikes, photography....the only big "arts & crafts" thing i don't really do is scrap-booking. :)
