Monday, November 15, 2010

c25k - w1d1

so....i officially started the C25K program this morning. i don't know if i can really say i finished w1d1 tho. here's what the plan says the workout for w1d1 is: "Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes."

i managed to jog the full 60 seconds on the first two intervals. on the third, i stopped and stretched....since i wasn't smart enough to stretch ahead of time and my shins were already starting to hurt. then i walked my next 90 seconds. the rest of the 60 second "jogging" intervals, i ended up jogging 30 to 45 seconds and then speed walking the rest because my calves hurt so bad i couldn't make myself keep jogging. i was impressed that i didn't have a full blown asthma attack. i *did* get really out of breath, but i didn't need to use an inhaler. so.....i'm impressed.

on wednesday, i intend to get more sleep*, do a slow five minute warm-up and stretch, and *then* go into the brisk five minute warm-up for the program. but i think i'm going to need to find a better place to run indoors than the mall. we seemed to make the old folks a little uncomfortable, and the tile floor was pretty hard on my ankles.

*yeah, an old friend showed up at my house just when i was going to go to bed....and i was already going to bed later than i should have been. so i ended up going to bed at like 4:15 a.m. and only sleeping like 2 hours. PFFLT!

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