Thursday, November 25, 2010

mini wake-up call

i read a spark blog by VirgoGuRL4 that was a letter from her goal weight.
you can read the whole thing here. it was really cute, but beyond that, it was really interesting and helped me realize what i've been doing to myself lately.

my weight has been creeping up over the last few weeks. i've been slacking off, not tracking, not getting exercise in, not making sure i'm getting enough water or veggies every day, etc. my weight had gotten down to 24 lbs i'm only 14 lbs down. i'm 30 lbs away from making my goal for new years. it'd be pushing it to reach that goal, but my NEW goal is to get as close to that goal as i can. it's up to ME to make that happen.

so i'm stealing part of her letter and making it my own:

Take out the index cards. It's time to write down your goals. And time for the new rules. I want those in your wallet too!

-cease to be obese (an eventual goal range of 160 to 170 lbs, which may become lower as i get closer to that goal) :)
-fit into a size 16 or smaller
-get my cluttered house under control
-get knocked up :)

1) Six servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
2) At least 64 ounces of water a day.
3) Meal or snack time every 3-4 hours. Tea or water is fine in between.
4) Go to bed by 11:00 every night work or a special event doesn't prevent it. TV shows, reading "one more chapter" or looking at "one more page" online ARE NOT special events. Get up by 7:00 every morning, unless you are ACTUALLY sick.
5) Start doing 10 minutes of simple exercise (yoga, crunches, push-ups, jogging in place, etc) EVERY morning.
6) Walk (or do some sort of cardio) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for at least 30 minutes.
7) Develop an at-home strength training plan to do on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
8) Start planning most of your meals in advance.
9) Look your best each and every day. Take a shower, put on real clothes (things that won't get you put on PoW), and be ready to DO something with your life.
10) Stay involved and engaged with SparkPeople (or others who have similar goals). You get as much as you put out.
11) Keep cleaning, sorting, and getting rid of stuff at home. Nobody else is going to do it for you.

what are your goals? what's your plan to reach them?

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