Thursday, September 2, 2010

obese and pregnant

no, i'm not pregnant. as far as i know, anyway. :)

i'm watching this TLC show called "obese and pregnant". it's pissing me off and i felt the need to vent about it a little.

i'm not arguing that there aren't increased risks of complications for an overweight woman who gets pregnant, but this show makes it sound like these women are idiots for getting pregnant when they're overweight and everything that could go wrong is going to. maybe it just makes me angry cuz of my own experiences with drs.

"let's check your blood pressure....*insert surprised look here*....o, it's normal...."
"let's check you for diabetes/IR....*insert surprised look here*....o, it's normal...."
"let's check your cholesterol....*insert surprised look here*....o wow, it's excellent...."

the only "weight caused" health problems i have arthritis/joint pain (which i'm guessing is really just worse because of my weight rather than caused by it) and PCOS (which the cause and effect relationship can go either way, depending on who you listen to).

and these women can barely move! omg! i might weigh over 300 lbs, but i still go to work and stand the whole time. i can still walk a couple miles (slower than a thin person, but much faster than a lot of other larger people). i can still bike several miles. i can get up off the floor on my own, i can do a sit up, i can do push-ups, i can climb a few flights of stairs. my point is that these women were in bad health before they got pregnant, and maybe it wasn't smart of them to get pregnant without working to improve their health, but there's a big difference between a woman who isn't making an effort to be healthy through diet and exercise getting pregnant and a woman who is making an effort to be healthy through diet and exercise getting pregnant no matter what their weight is. a thin woman can still be unhealthy and have it negatively impact their pregnancy. an overweight woman who takes good care of herself can still have a healthy, uneventful pregnancy. and the fact that the medical establishment seems to think that weight is a good indicator of health always pisses me off. it's not. there's plenty of info supporting that, but apparently dr's skulls are even thicker than my fat layer.