Saturday, August 29, 2009

"plus-size living"

ok, as a larger than normal person, i know what it's like to not want to sit in a chair because i'm not sure it will hold me weight or because i know i won't fit comfortably. i LOVE XL towels, because i'm not a fan of getting dressed while still wet OR walking around the locker room over-exposed. i realize that there are a lot of things that are made for "normal" size people that don't work quite right for someone larger. but i got a link to this website in my e-mail today, and i'm slightly disgusted.....

Plus+Size Living

i'm not really sure how to put this into words....other than to say that someone who needs a Big John Toilet Seat should probably spend that $125 on some really good walking shoes and a couple Richard Simons DVD's instead....

i'm all for body acceptance....but i'm not for creating your own little corner of the world that conforms to you just so you can pretend that being severely overweight ISN'T a problem. there's a difference between loving and respecting yourself and being in denial, mmmkay??


Thursday, August 27, 2009

an intro to start

well, howdy. thanks for stopping by. this is my first post in this blog, so i guess i'll start by talking about myself. i suppose i'll be doing plenty of that anyway, but i'd like to let you know a little about what you can expect from me and what i'm likely to write about to help you decide whether or not i'm worth bookmarking. :)

i'm a 26 y/o married woman. i'm about to turn like five days. i've been married for six years, and i don't have kids. this is mostly not by choice. in a lot of ways, i'm not in a hurry to have kids - i'm poor, i wouldn't have the option of staying at home with kids (and, well, i don't want to have kids so i can pay somebody else to raise them), and i have other "personal" issues that i'd really like to deal with before having children. (i'll get to those in a moment.) at the same time, i'm not entirely sure that we CAN have kids, seeing as it's been six years of mostly not using any form of birth control and here the two of us are. and, being poor and without health insurance, we really don't know why. or if we really have any hope of having children. and THAT is the frustrating part.

there are basically two "personal" issues that i'd prefer to have dealt with before having kids. one is that i'm overweight. i don't mean i have a little pudgy belly and can't squeeze into a size 2. i'm 5'4" and i weigh about 300 lbs. i've weighed as much as 320 lbs, but when one sets out to lose 170 lbs (my goal weight is 150 lbs), one can't expect it to happen overnight. i'm hoping that blogging about this will help me to identify things that are holding me up in my weight-loss, and come up with some solutions. i'm also hoping that it will give me a good outlet to celebrate my successes. :)

the other issue is that i'm a clutterbug and a packrat. i keep too much stuff because i'm either afraid i'll get rid of something that i'll need in the future, or because i know *someone* could use it....but i never get around to actually taking it to whatever charity or friend or whomever. i tend to get overwhelmed by the disaster area that is my house. i don't know where to start, or i get started and run out of steam half-way through the job. seriously, it would be impossible to childproof my house at this point in time. i also know that i lose a lot of money by replacing things that i have but can't find. i probably half at least three can openers, twelve nail clippers, and at least twenty pairs of tweezers. seriously.

so besides my "problems," i also enjoy photography, knitting and crocheting, gardening (i kind of fail miserably at that one, tho), reading, sewing, music (i'm a former band and orchestra nerd....and a bass head....does that make sense??), and cycling. i live in northern michigan, so spending time outdoors is great as long as it isn't too cold! (and this summer has been bizarre-ly cold...) i love critters and have several cats. i'm sort of a hippie, but i usually feel very tied-down/held back by what people expect of me. my biggest goal in life is to be my own person - to actually be able to dedicate myself to things that are important to me (family, friends, environmental issues, self expression, etc) rather than things that i do because i feel like i have to (work a b.s. job and try to be a "normal" makes me feel like a bitchy old lady!).

i think i'm going to sign off for now....there's a lot more i could say, but i'm sure i'll have plenty of time to say it in the future.
