Tuesday, January 25, 2011


have you seen the new show "heavy" on A&E? i love and hate this show at the same time.

i like that they try to get into the struggles that people face. how they got to the weight the're at, why they need to lose weight (the health issues they actually face rather than just what they *might* face one day if they don't do something), etc. i like that they try to deal with the emotional problems. they show these people losing a lot of weight in a fairly short period of time, but they're being supervised by people who know what they're doing the whole time. they aren't competing against anyone. that's what i like about it.

what i don't like is that these people piss me off! tonight's episode had a woman who was the same age as me. her start weight is just over 30 lbs less than my start weight and she's all "i can't play with my kids" and it shows her getting out of breath just walking across the yard and climbing up on a trampoline. wtf? that isn't cuz you're fat, girl, that's cuz you're out of shape. it's cuz you spend too much time on the couch and not enough moving. i'm slower than someone my age who's normal weight, but i can do just about anything they can do. most stuff that i can't do (or am uncomfortable doing) are because of weight limits (a lot of fun "toys" have weight limits between 175 and 250 lbs) rather than because i actually can't physically handle it.

i don't have high blood pressure (it borders on high when i'm stressed out), i've been tested for IR and other blood sugar issues repeatedly and the tests never show any signs of a problem, i can climb a flight of stairs, i can walk a mile, i can jog/run in short bursts (but it hurts my ankles!), and if you put a camera in my face while i was working out, you can bet the LAST thing i would do would be cry or whine about it being too hard! i would probably keep going til i dropped or literally COULD NOT do another rep cuz i wouldn't wanna look like a ***** on national TV!

so i guess....i like the show. i (so far, anyway) HATE the people on it. what do you think?

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